How many calories in Wasa Sesam Delikatess

Wasa Sesam Delikatess

Brand: wasa

Wasa Sesam Delikatess contains

Nutritional values: Wasa Sesam Delikatess


Wasa Sesam Delikatess (1 g) contain(s) 20 milligram(s) of sugar, 110 milligram(s) of protein, 50 milligram(s) of fat, 210 milligram(s) of fiber and 550 milligram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 3.5kcal in (1 g) which can be burnt by a 25.7 second(s) of Jogging, 30 second(s) of Cycling, 33.2 second(s) of Swimming, 37.1 second(s) of Walking, 43.8 second(s) of Shopping, 45.2 second(s) of Yoga or 1 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

Wasa Sesam Delikatess (piece (10 g)) contain(s) 190 milligram(s) of sugar, 1 gram(s) of protein, 520 milligram(s) of fat, 2 gram(s) of fiber and 5 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 33.9kcal in (piece (10 g)) which can be burnt by a 4 minute(s) of Jogging, 5 minute(s) of Cycling, 5 minute(s) of Swimming, 6 minute(s) of Walking, 7 minute(s) of Shopping, 7 minute(s) of Yoga or 12 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

Wasa Sesam Delikatess (200 g) contain(s) 4 gram(s) of sugar, 22 gram(s) of protein, 11 gram(s) of fat, 42 gram(s) of fiber and 110 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 716.5kcal in (200 g) which can be burnt by a 88 minute(s) of Jogging, 102 minute(s) of Cycling, 113 minute(s) of Swimming, 126 minute(s) of Walking, 149 minute(s) of Shopping, 154 minute(s) of Yoga or 247 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

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