How many calories in Frollini al cacao

Frollini al cacao contains

Nutritional values: Frollini al cacao


Frollini al cacao (1 g) contain(s) 230 milligram(s) of sugar, 280 milligram(s) of protein, 150 milligram(s) of fat, 100 milligram(s) of fiber and 370 milligram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 4.0kcal in (1 g) which can be burnt by a 29.4 second(s) of Jogging, 34.3 second(s) of Cycling, 37.9 second(s) of Swimming, 42.4 second(s) of Walking, 50 second(s) of Shopping, 51.6 second(s) of Yoga or 1 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

Frollini al cacao (portion (25 g)) contain(s) 6 gram(s) of sugar, 7 gram(s) of protein, 4 gram(s) of fat, 2 gram(s) of fiber and 9 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 102.9kcal in (portion (25 g)) which can be burnt by a 13 minute(s) of Jogging, 15 minute(s) of Cycling, 16 minute(s) of Swimming, 18 minute(s) of Walking, 21 minute(s) of Shopping, 22 minute(s) of Yoga or 35 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

Frollini al cacao (pack (250 g)) contain(s) 56 gram(s) of sugar, 69 gram(s) of protein, 38 gram(s) of fat, 24 gram(s) of fiber and 91 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 1030.1kcal in (pack (250 g)) which can be burnt by a 126 minute(s) of Jogging, 147 minute(s) of Cycling, 163 minute(s) of Swimming, 182 minute(s) of Walking, 215 minute(s) of Shopping, 222 minute(s) of Yoga or 355 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

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