How many calories in Dried onion cooked roast with salt

Dried onion cooked roast with salt contains

Nutritional values: Dried onion cooked roast with salt


Dried onion cooked roast with salt (1 g) contain(s) 50 milligram(s) of sugar, 10 milligram(s) of protein, 0 grams of fat, 10 milligram(s) of fiber and 100 milligram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 477cal in (1 g) which can be burnt by a 2.9 second(s) of Jogging, 3.4 second(s) of Cycling, 3.8 second(s) of Swimming, 4.2 second(s) of Walking, 5 second(s) of Shopping, 5.2 second(s) of Yoga or 8.3 second(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

Dried onion cooked roast with salt (50 g) contain(s) 2 gram(s) of sugar, 680 milligram(s) of protein, 90 milligram(s) of fat, 700 milligram(s) of fiber and 5 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 21.0kcal in (50 g) which can be burnt by a 3 minute(s) of Jogging, 3 minute(s) of Cycling, 3 minute(s) of Swimming, 4 minute(s) of Walking, 4 minute(s) of Shopping, 5 minute(s) of Yoga or 7 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

Dried onion cooked roast with salt (100 g) contain(s) 5 gram(s) of sugar, 1 gram(s) of protein, 190 milligram(s) of fat, 1 gram(s) of fiber and 10 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 42.0kcal in (100 g) which can be burnt by a 5 minute(s) of Jogging, 6 minute(s) of Cycling, 7 minute(s) of Swimming, 7 minute(s) of Walking, 9 minute(s) of Shopping, 9 minute(s) of Yoga or 14 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

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